You Don’t Really Need That, Do You?
How Accumulating ‘Things’ Can Actually Make Life Harder
As I sit here making my to-do list for the day, week and month I look around at all the Christmas décor (new and old) I have yet to take down and I can’t help but think… you don’t really need that, do you? Who has the time and space for this?
It’s not just about the things we have, but the way we all end up accumulating more and more stuff in the belief that it’s going to make life easier or better. In reality, it just adds to the burden. We’re constantly told that the latest gadgets, trendy home items, and even the newest subscriptions are going to make life more convenient. But have you ever noticed that the more things we buy to "help" us, the more we seem to juggle and manage? The kitchen gadgets we thought would save time, the fancy storage systems we bought to declutter, the gadgets that promised to make life easier—most of the time, they end up becoming just more things to keep track of. Things we spent money on, but didn’t actually need. And instead of making us feel more organized or fulfilled, we often just feel weighed down and overwhelmed by the constant cycle of acquiring more.
It’s like we’ve been tricked into thinking that happiness and ease come from getting the next thing, when in reality, it’s the opposite. The more we accumulate, the more we have to clean, organize, and maintain. That shiny new kitchen appliance might make cooking easier for a while, but soon enough it’s just taking up space on the counter, another thing you have to clean, and something else to think about when it’s time to move.
From personal experience, I've seen how even well-meaning attempts to make life more comfortable can become a burden. People spend time and energy managing their things—only to realize they’re no happier or less stressed than before. The truth is, you can’t accumulate your way to peace of mind. Sometimes, the most freeing thing you can do is let some of it go.
I know that it’s not all bad to own things, but when we start accumulating items with the expectation that they’ll solve our problems or make life easier, we’re setting ourselves up for disappointment. It’s easy to get caught up in the belief that if we just get the right tool, or the perfect décor, everything will be better. But I’ve come to realize that sometimes, the best way to simplify life is by recognizing that most of what we think we need is just extra weight. True happiness doesn’t come from what we own or what we’ve accumulated. It comes from how we live, how we connect with others, and how we spend our time. Getting rid of things—or at least not constantly adding more—frees up space for what really matters.
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have to take care of, you’re not alone. Letting go of things that don’t truly serve you can actually make life feel easier-simpler. Instead of adding more to our plates, maybe it’s time to start asking ourselves, " you don’t really need that, do you? "
Hey there! I am Lisa, and I love my job—I’m a professional home organizer in the North Texas area. I travel all around the Grayson and Collin Counties and beyond, clearing clutter from people’s homes. No matter how big or small your task may be, I can help you. We can declutter, organize, and give you systems to help make your life just a little bit easier.
Click HERE to schedule a complimentary consultation with me to talk about how you can feel peace and joy and no stress in your home!
*Original Concept for “You Don’t Need That”, credited to Kim Snodgrass at Rustic Home Organizing in Portland, Oregon